Once upon a time, a boy named “Asad” lived in Lahore. He fell in love with the wife of the imam of his neighborhood mosque. Asad mentioned his love to a very close friend “Bilal”. He said to Bilal that he loves Imam Sahib's wife very much and wants him to help him in this matter”. His friend inquired how can he help him. Asad told that he wants to meet Imam Sahib's wife but the problem is that Imam Sahib comes home early after praying and he doesn't have time to meet at all. Do this, start praying from tomorrow and keep Imam Sahib entangled in your strange problems so that he can lie down at home answering your problems and at the same time he will have a good time to meet his wife. Bilal said, ok no problem.
The next day Bilal went to pray. This prayer was not for Allah nor was there any intention of goodness. It was merely an aid to his friend's sin. Bilal did the same. Whenever, Imam Sahib finished praying, he would sit in a corner with Imam Sahib, asks strange questions to Imam Sahib and Imam Sahib would lie down answering his strange questions. Meanwhile, his friend Asad used to meet Imam Sahib's wife. This went on for about two to three months, one day Bilal realized, how much he was doing wrong. What he did for Imam Sahib's wife to make his friend happy but it is a sin for which he will be held accountable tomorrow. To give the world may be a rewarding process. Let it happen to him tomorrow. All sorts of thoughts began to come into his heart. He could not sleep that night and he promised that he would go in the morning and explain everything to Imam Sahib and after that he will accept those who will punish him. The next day Bilal went and told the whole story to Imam Sahib. Imam Sahib listened to him, smiled and said, "Oh fool, neither my wife nor any of my sister, whose wife goes to see your friend?"
Hearing this, Bilal became upset, he thought why don't he see who he goes to see, one day he chased his friend. He saw that his friend had entered his house and was meeting his wife. Watching this, Bilal became more upset as soon as the ground came out from under his feet. He kept shaking hands. Truly the world is a rewarding process, whoever digs a pit for someone will fall into it himself. Allaah says: “Do not support one another in sin, but increase one another in righteousness”.
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