In the realm of passion, where hearts ignite,
It starts with love, a dance of sheer delight.
My hands, like poets, roam her body fair,
Exploring depths of pleasure that we share.

She gasps, enchanted, as my touch does trace,
Those moan-inducing spots, her sacred space.
With slow, sensual affection, we entwine,
As deep emotions in our souls align.

Her thighs embraced, she moans out loud and clear,
Two souls as one, no boundaries to fear.
Like vines, we slide, in perfect harmony,
Effortlessly connected, she and me.

Lips locked as one, a symphony of bliss,
Our tongues unite in an impassioned kiss.
Hips thrusting to the rhythm of our hearts,
A crescendo of desires that imparts.

In that sweet moment, moans fill the air,
We find the center of our love affair.
Together reaching heights of pure delight,
As stars align above us in the night.

And as we finish, wrapped in love's embrace,
Four legs, one heart, one mind, we interlace.
For in the tender space where love resides,
Two souls entwined, our love forever guides.

Imran Nazeer
~  ~  ~

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