Why must the spark of barbarism burn?
Humans aflame, in hatred's fire,
Why can't we forgive, and let love inspire?
Live and let live, why can't we embrace,
Instead of yearning for devastation's grace?
For we are all human, with hearts to love,
Growing ferns are just ferns, peace to be thought of.
What's conceived is perceived, at a cost we weigh,
Do different beliefs lead us astray?
Is there but one true God, the key,
To humanity's forgiveness or grief to be?
What do we seek to prove, if pain's the receipt?
Torture and death, is that our defeat?
I've walked on life's scales, where nails did sound,
Turbulent ground, agony unbound.
Yet I felt the flames, the wailing cries,
Relievers of concern, as compassion flies,
Until glassware consumes, from dust we're born,
In the truest resting place, our souls are sworn.
Imran Nazeer
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