In the sacred verses, a truth profound,
"And He found you lost," the grace unbound.
In the depths of life's maze, in the shadows of strife,
Guided you were, to the path of life.

Oh, seeker of peace, in the moments of despair,
Know that guidance finds you, with tender care.
In the verses divine, a story unfolds,
Of contentment discovered, as the tale is told.

Found in the wilderness, in the search for truth,
Guided by His mercy, in the days of youth.
For contentment is not in wealth or gold,
But in the guidance, in the stories untold.

In the tapestry of life, where paths may twist,
Contentment is found, in the moments kissed.
Not in the grandeur, not in the grand,
But in the simplicity, in the grains of sand.

So, when the world seems vast and undefined,
Remember, contentment is in the heart enshrined.
In the verses of guidance, find your way,
For He found you lost, and guided your stay.

Imran Nazeer
~  ~  ~


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