"Fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it,"
In the verses divine, a commitment lit.
O believers, let your promises be true,
A solemn pledge, Allah as witness knew.
Do not break oaths after confirmation is made,
In the sanctuary of trust, let your actions cascade.
For Allah, over you, a witness profound,
In the covenant fulfilled, in the promise bound.
Indeed, Allah knows what you do,
In the symphony of actions, the intentions true.
So, believers, in your words and deeds,
Let the covenant of Allah fulfill your needs.
In the tapestry of honor, let promises weave,
A pledge unbroken, in the light perceive.
For in the verses divine, wisdom is clear,
Fulfilling promises, hold it dear.
So, when you take a covenant, let sincerity guide,
In the journey of trust, let your promises abide.
For in the covenant of Allah, in the pledge you make,
Find strength and honor, for His sake.
~ ~ ~

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