In the verses divine, a message profound,
"O children of Adam!" the call resounds.
Clothing for bodies, a provision fair,
Yet the clothing of piety, beyond compare.

In the tapestry of modesty, a fabric divine,
Woven with threads of virtue, where hearts align.
Covering not just the body but the soul within,
Modesty, a garment, shielding from sin.

In the wardrobe of life, with choices arrayed,
The clothing of piety, let it be displayed.
A shield against arrogance, a shield against pride,
In the modest attire, let humility reside.

Oh, children of Adam, in the choices you make,
Let the clothing of piety be the fabric you take.
For in the modesty of heart and modesty of dress,
Lies a grace untold, a divine caress.

In the marketplace of virtues, let modesty trade,
A currency noble, in every crusade.
For in the clothing of piety, a beauty is dressed,
A reflection of purity, divinely blessed.

So, let your attire be a mirror so clear,
Reflecting the values you hold dear.
For in the verses divine, the wisdom is pressed,
"The clothing of piety is indeed the best."

Imran Nazeer
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