In the heart of the woods, where whispers birth,
Among the silent songs of Earth,
Lies an untouched symphony of rebirth,
A testament to Nature's unfathomed worth.

With every dawn, the sun's gentle kiss,
Awakens the world in blissful remiss,
Caressing hills and valleys, none amiss,
In love, we're cradled by nature's abyss.

The murmuring streams, in their serene gait,
Narrate tales of love, never obsolete,
Their waters, clear and inviolate,
Embrace the shores in a tender, endless treat.

The wind, a soft and wandering muse,
Dances through the trees, shedding old for new,
In its invisible embrace, all is infused,
With a love so deep, so endlessly true.

Leaves rustle, whispering secrets of the old,
Beneath their green, life's stories unfold,
In their veins, the warmth of the sun they hold,
A love for nature, forever bold.

The mountains stand, in majesty and grace,
Guardians of earth, time cannot erase,
Their peaks touch the sky, a loving embrace,
A reminder of our world's gentle pace.

Beneath the night sky, under the moon's glow,
The beauty of nature, in darkness, does show,
The stars, in love, forever bestow,
Light upon Earth, in its quiet shadow.

Love for nature, a bond so profound,
In every leaf, rock, and ground,
It's in the air, the earth, and all around,
In its embrace, true peace is found.

So, let us cherish, with every breath,
The love of nature, until our death,
For in its care, we are mere guests,
In love with nature, we are truly blessed.

Imran Nazeer
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