A Fraudster

In shadows deep where darkness crawls,
A figure lurks, where deceit enthralls.
With slyness veiled, a cunning art,
Behold the essence of a fraudster's heart.

Through silver tongues, honeyed words entwined,
A mesmerizing dance, the unwary to bind.
Whispers spun with silken threads,
Weaving tales of falsehoods, where truth sheds.

A master illusionist, skilled in deceit,
The fraudster thrives, their web complete.
A mirage of trust, they deftly create,
While hidden motives lie in wait.

They wear a mask of guile and charm,
Concealing intentions, causing harm.
Like a chameleon, they change their hue,
Adapting, morphing, with every debut.

With flickering eyes, they seek their prey,
Exploiting trust in an artful display.
Their words, like venom, poison the air,
As innocent souls fall into their snare.

But be not fooled by their treacherous art,
For truth shall pierce through the fraudster's heart.
With justice as a sword, their deeds exposed,
Their castle of lies, in ruins it decomposes.

For in the end, the fraudster shall fall,
Their empire of deceit shall crumble, small.
A cautionary tale, a lesson to heed,
That honesty's light shall forever succeed.

So, let us unite, stand strong, and see,
The triumph of truth, the fraudster set free.
For in the realm of light, where justice abides,
No fraudster's shadow can forever hide.

Imran Nazeer


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