
In the realm where love's fire burns bright,
Lies a poignant tale of lovers' plight.
Distance weaves its intricate thread,
Testing the bond, where hearts have bled.

Across vast oceans and starry skies,
Their souls yearn for the closeness they prize.
Separation mocks their deepest desires,
Yet love's flame blazes, never tires.

Like two stars adrift in endless space,
They navigate this celestial chase.
Whispered words ride on ethereal winds,
Conveying affection that distance rescinds.

Each day, they paint their love with words,
Brushing emotions, like songs of birds.
Through letters and verses, they share their souls,
Weaving a tapestry that distance unfolds.

In the longing hours of the twilight's glow,
They yearn for a touch, to feel the love grow.
But patience blossoms amidst the divide,
For love knows no bounds it cannot override.

With each passing night and dawning day,
Their spirits entwine, finding solace in the fray.
Through missed embraces and lingering sighs,
They find solace in love's eternal ties.

For distance may strain and test their will,
Yet love's ardor remains unyielding still.
In the chambers of their devoted hearts,
Distance bends to their unbreakable parts.

So, let the miles stretch far and wide,
Love's flame shall conquer, no matter the tide.
For in the realm where love's fire burns bright,
Distance becomes a testament to their might.

Imran Nazeer



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