In shadows deep, where darkness breeds,
A tale unfolds of jealousy's deeds.
Its poison spreads like venomous tides,
Twisting hearts, where trust resides.
A seed of longing, bitter and vile,
Sprouts in the heart, devoid of a smile.
Eyes once bright, now clouded with envy,
A fervent flame, burning to be free.
Oh, jealousy, thy silent foe,
How thou corrupts and steals the glow!
Like a storm, brewing in the soul,
A tempestuous force, beyond control.
With envious gaze, we cast our sight,
On others' fortunes, shining so bright.
Their laurels bloom, while we in despair,
Struggle to breathe the stagnant air.
We yearn for treasures, not our own,
Coveting the seeds that others have sown.
Blinded by comparison's cruel sway,
We lose ourselves in this disarray.
Through jealousy's lens, distorted and skewed,
Our worth erodes, a foundation unglued.
We diminish the blessings we possess,
Ensnared by this wretched, self-made distress.
Like poison ivy, jealousy spreads,
Tainting friendships, binding in threads.
A festering wound, it gnaws and sears,
Leaving scars, etched with unending fears.
It breeds resentment, a toxic brew,
Sowing discord, friendships it undoes.
The bonds we cherish, fragile and rare,
Shattered by jealousy's heartless snare.
Yet in this darkness, a flicker of light,
A chance to break free from envy's tight.
Let us embrace our unique journey's course,
For comparison's grip, we must divorce.
Instead, let gratitude be our guide,
A balm for wounds, where envy resides.
Celebrate others, their triumphs sincere,
For in unity, we'll find joy so near.
Oh, jealousy, relinquish thy grasp,
Unveil the beauty within us amassed.
May we rise above, let compassion thrive,
And in our hearts, may jealousy not survive.
For it's in self-love, we truly find,
A path to peace, our souls realigned.
Release the shackles, jealousy's chains,
Embrace the freedom, where true contentment reigns.
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