In the realm of passionate embrace,
With trembling hands and burning gaze,
She explores his form, a masterpiece,
Fingers dancing on his skin, a maze.

Lips meet, they kiss, they nibble, they taste,
Desire ablaze, their bodies yearn,
Longing to unite, to interlace,
In a dance of pleasure, they discern.

Straddling him, their eyes locked in trance,
Time stands still, electric fervor,
As he takes her with a primal stance,
Thrusting, lost in desire's fervor.

Gasps fill the room, whimpers and moans,
They move as one, in shared delight,
Lustful sparks, a fire that condones,
Their spirits soaring to new heights.

In cries of ecstasy, they ascend,
Bound together in passion's flight,
He fills her core, love's essence blend,
In waves of rapture, pure and bright.

Panting, she lays upon his chest,
In blissful joy, contentment's kiss,
Her lover, her love, her heart's nest,
Wrapped in his arms, she finds her bliss.

Imran Nazeer
~  ~  ~

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