Oh, my dearest, my heart’s true mate,
In passion’s flame, we meet our fate.
Two worlds collide, entwined as one,
Nowhere to hide, the dance begun.

Your touch ignites a fire inside,
I’m swept away in love’s wild tide.
Each kiss a promise, each caress a vow,
In your arms, I surrender now.

Our bodies move in perfect trance,
Lost in rhythm, this sensual dance.
Skin to skin, hearts beat as fast,
Pleasure rises, a crescendo blast.

With you, my boldness finds its way,
All inhibitions fall away.
A wild spirit, unleashed and free,
In your embrace, you’re all I see.

Moans escape from parted lips,
As passion's tide our bodies grips.
You fill me up, a gift divine,
Together, love, our souls entwine.

Imran Nazeer
~  ~  ~

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